
Ametist celebrates its 20th Anniversary in Mebel Moscow 2012

Date: Getaria (Gipuzkoa) SPAIN, 27/11/2012

In collaboration with Ametist Corp. in Russia, Indaux participated in the 2012 Mebel Fair, held in Moscow from the 19 th to 23 th November. Ametist, founded in 1992, celebrated its 20th Anniversary here with customers and friends. We wish to congratulate them on their Anniversary and look forward to a continued long-term relationship.

Visitors to the Muscovite exhibition have been able to appreciate Indaux’s main innovations, like the ATLAS system for low suspended furniture and the double walled ARIANE drawer.

Por otro lado, los visitantes del certamen moscovita han podido apreciar las principales novedades de Indaux, como el sistema ATLAS para las grandes cargas en muebles bajos suspendidos y el cajón de doble pared ARIANE.

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