
Reiman Components, more than a decade of close collaboration

Mancha Real or Lucena are some of the Andalusian towns where small furniture manufacturing clusters are concentrated and around this activity, Reiman Components was born in 1989. Led by José María Narváez, it distributes accessories for furniture and today they have 3,000 m2 facilities for storage and exhibitions.

Jose Maria Narvaez

Five years ago, Reiman Componentes began a comprehensive modernization process, with the help of a strategy consultancy. It was this consultant who turned to Cristina Narváez, José María’s daughter, to promote this renewal that would cover processes, supplier management and stock or marketing. “I was then finishing a master’s degree in Business Administration and they thought that to introduce all these changes it was better to have someone new, who was not already in the business”, indicates Cristina Narváez.


The commercial relationship between Reiman and Indaux begins in September 2009, during a Maderalia fair. “From Indaux, I would highlight the close collaboration we maintain, the closeness with our interlocutors Asier, Xabi and Sebastián, the loyalty and, above all, the service. Delivery times, especially since the Valencia warehouse opened, are very fast. And when they are not so because the product is new, we know with what specific dates they are going to supply us with the material. That gives us a lot of credibility and solvency for our clients”, explains the coadjuntament to the management, Cristina Narvaez.

From theory to practice: integration of women in the industrial sector

Iratxe NuñezDuring the 1960s, the Indaux workshops came to host almost 30 women, but today the female presence in the workshop is reduced to 7 women, compared to 113 men. Indaux has promoted the atraction of female talent to the worshops and encourage the interest of studying an Industrial VET among the female public. There are still few women who dare to break with stereotypes and study vocational training in industrial specialties.

This February, the Getaria mechanical workshop hired a trainee. It is Iratxe Nuñez, who has completed a higher degree in mechanical manufacturing production programming. “I feel very confortable at Indaux . My colleagues help me and when I have any questions they always attend me with kindness. I also like the work. It is not monotonous. I would like to learn a little about everything, because I think being versatile is better than mastering a single task. I am very grateful to Indaux for this opportunity ”, she says.

Indaux is a company committed to equality, one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.Indaux is a company committed to equality, one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Last year it ratified its first equality plan, which will last for 4 years. Welcoming trainees and accompanying them in an educational process and insertion in the labor market is part of Indaux’s commitment to improving their environment.

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