
strûctûra: Spanish Consortium of Furniture Fittings and Accesories

Getaria (Guipúzcoa), 22/02/2010

Indaux presented the strûctûra project at Zow Bad Salzuflen 2010 together with its partners Ebir, Menage & Confort and Navarro Azorín. The strûctûra consortium has been created to promote and commercialise comprehensive solutions for the German market.

strûctûra: A joint venture of manufacturers, leaders in their field

strûctûra was created in 2009 as a Consortium of four leading Spanish manufacturers, aiming to promote comprehensive solutions within the German market, thanks to its extensive experience and trading in furniture components. strûctûra will take advantage of synergies and market knowledge to increase the four firms’ competitiveness, producers of complementary products: Ebir lighting, Menage&Confort interior equipment, Navarro Azorín handles and Indaux furniture fittings.

Service within 24 hours

strûctûra is based in the German town of Rheda, in the heart of the furniture sector in Germany, where thanks to its own commercial network, customer service, showroom, warehouse and delivery fleet, can offer just-in-time service to all its customers. From this headquarters, all trading activities, logistics and technical supervision co-ordinate, in order to meet the necessities of the German market.

Facts and Figures

strûctûra group has 9 production plants, provides its own design, R&D and Quality Control Centers and over 400 staff. The Group obtained close to 100 EUROS million revenues in 2009.

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