
Indaux at the Sicam Pordenone 2010 Fair

Getaria (Guipúzcoa) SPAIN, 01/11/2010

Indaux did not miss its autumn engagement in Italy and exhibited its latest innovative products at the Sicam 2010 Fair which gets stronger each year. In this latest edition of the Italian auxiliary industry exhibition, which took place from the 20th to 23rd October, approximately a hundred international visitors passed by the Indaux stand, they were able to see the latest product proposals made by the company from Getaria first hand.

The “Atlas” mounting system which recently completed its offer with the incorporation of the new lower support and a new wall plate, captured the interest of those present; they could also review other furniture solution like the systems for sliding closets, “Junior-6” and “Sistema-4”, the “Vertikal” system for vertical doors and the double walled drawers “Europa-2” and “Attraction”, all equipped with the Indamatic soft-close. The Ø25 and Ø35 spiral cam assemblies also deserved special attention, a product on the increase patented by Indaux.

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