
The Indaux boats complete the 2011 season successfully

Fecha: Getaria (Gipuzkoa) SPAIN, 20/10/2011

The rowing season ended well for the two Indaux Group boats. The female team was the winner in the second edition of the Liga Guipuzcoana de Traineras (Rowing boat league of Guipuzcoa). In addition to being the winners of the Euskotren League, they finished second in La Concha regatta, three seconds behind the boat from Galicia.

For their part, the men’s team achieved first place at the ARC Play Off, ensuring their ascent to the ARC I rowing boat league. The boat sponsored by Indaux and the Gourmet Okin Group, finished in second place, three points behind Busturialdea in the ARC II league after achieving five consecutive victories.

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