
INDAUX Francia, Voilà!

Date: Getaria (Spain), 27/01/2012

Indaux and Bruno Cousseau have signed a new collaboration agreement to create the INDAUX FRANCE brand. A new example of the strategy of deepening relationships with distributors to empower the international projection of the brand. Indaux has had a close relationship with Bruno Cousseau for over 12 years and this new agreement strengthens this fruitful relationship.

Bruno Cousseau’s representation agency is located in the municipality of Les Herbiers, in the French region of Vendée, traditionally an area very linked with the furniture industry. Under Bruno’s direction, Anita Cousseau has been in charge of the administrative management of orders and sales assistance since 2004, and Alain Sauvaitre has collaborated in tasks related with clients since 2009. Thanks to their work, Indaux has been able to establish itself as a supplier of reference in the always complicated French market.

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