
Indaux with Industrial Guillas at ExpoPromueble 2012

Date: Getaria (SPAIN), 15/02/2012

ExpoPromueble was held in the month of January, one of the industry’s main events in the Mexican furniture sector. Indaux products were present at this event at the Industrial Guillas stand, distribution company for its fixtures in the North American country for over two decades. In this edition of the Mexican fair, Indaux exhibited an ample sample of its range of products like the MARC runner, applications of the INDAmatic system, IMPULSE, the ARIANE drawer and other innovations.

Industrial Guillas, founded by Manuel Domínguez, is the exclusive representative of the Basque company’s fixtures in Mexico. Manuel Domínguez, of Galician decent, has spent approximately 30 years in Mexico providing service and consulting furniture manufacturers on fixtures and manufacturing systems, making him a key figure in the sector. Two years ago his son, Manolo Domínguez, joined the business, ensuring continuity in the close relationship with Indaux for at least another 20 years.

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