
Indaux stands out at Interzum Guangzouh 2012

Date: Getaria (Gipuzkoa) SPAIN, 23/04/2012

The fittings manufacturing company participated last month in a new edition of the Chinese fair, this time with its own stand at the Spanish pavilion.

Indaux began its exploration into the Chinese market in 1999 and the first fair it participated in was the Woodworking Shangai. This year has been the fourth time that the Basque firm has participated in Interzum Guangzhou and the first with its own exhibit since, until now, it was represented by its local distributors.

Visitors to the Indaux stand had a firsthand view of Indaux’s renewed corporate image and its main innovations. The queries and petitions for information above all focused mainly on the hanging systems, the new ARIANE drawer and the sliding door systems for closets. We would like to highlight the outstanding job carried out by Vicky Lee; our collaborator in China, her knowledge of the local market has made this fair a success.

Interzum Guangzhou is the furniture industry’s main fair in South-East Asia. The 2012 edition was held from the 27 to 30 March and once again broke records with a net exhibit surface of 130,000 m2 and an attendance of over 50,000 professionals.

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