
Schüller Küchen’s Next125, with Indaux’s ATLAS system, receives IMM Cologne Award

Date: Getaria (Gipuzkoa) SPAIN, 28/02/2013

Congratulations are in order for Schüller Küchen for obtaining the 2013 Innovation Award, with a special mention for Best of the Best, for its kitchen Next125, equipped with our ATLAS system in its suspended version. This award recognizes first class innovative achievement and is one of the most renowned design awards in the interior furnishing industry worldwide. Last year, Next125 also won a Red Dot Award, among other prizes and mentions.

At Indaux we manufacture our own innovations, not only to provide solutions for customer`s needs, but also to help our clients’ products shine. We are therefore extremely proud of the Atlas system’s contribution to Schüller Küchen’s Next125 Best of the Best Innovation Award.

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