
Interzum 2013: ATLAS, the optimum solution for suspended furniture

Date: Getaria (Gipuzkoa) SPAIN, 28/05/2013

The ATLAS system, which has helped our clients win design and innovation awards, has now obtained the 2013 Interzum award , confirming that the product is the high performance solution for suspended kitchens and bathrooms. Now also available for home furniture.

ATLAS far exceeds the demands of suspended kitchens: maximum safety in vertical loads and anti-tipping, ease in mechanising and assembly of the piece of furniture on to the wall, the possibility to regulate the unit. ATLAS allows for optimal use of the unit’s depth since it does not interfere with the operation of the upper drawer. In combination with its lower support it can also be regulated vertically, horizontally and in depth.

In this edition of Interzum two new lower supports were presented: one with a 3mm. mechanisation and another without.


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