
Interzum 2013: INDAmatic soft-closing system with adjustable easy-opening

Date: Getaria (Gipuzkoa) SPAIN, 28/05/2013

The classic INDAmatic soft-closing system has evolved, it is not only sufficient for the furniture and drawers to close softly and silently, they must also open in an easy manner. INDAmatic makes it possible with the optimal combination of two technologies; improved hydraulics which reduces opening resistance, and the optimization of the dampening which make the gentleness of operation maximum.

This easy-open INDAmatic is now presented in its application for the world of closets and has the added possibility to personalize both the opening and closing force so that it is the minimum necessary for each type of door. By doing this, INDAmatic increases the functionality of the piece of furniture, providing the end user a completely fluid experience from the opening to closing of the unit.

INDAUX - INDAmatic system

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