
Indaux, at the Bilbao Design Week

Date: Getaria (Gipuzkoa), 01/07/2013

Habic, the Cluster Association of the Habitat, Wood, Office and Hospitality Sector of the Basque Country, which Indaux is a part of, organised an exhibit of articles last week in Bilbao (VIDEO in spanish) with the aim of spreading Basque design, a sector highly bound to the industry and a high level of internationalisation and technology. Indaux participated in the exhibition with its ATLAS system for suspended furniture and the new SMART connector, award winners at the past edition of Interzum. The exhibit was done outdoors at three strategic points of the Biscayan capital: in front of the Guggenheim, in front of the Town Hall and beside the Provincial Council Building.

This initiative ended an entire week dedicated to design in Bilbao, on the occasion of the World Industrial Design Day held on Saturday 27 June.

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