
New distributor: Nover, Australia

p>Date: Getaria (Gipuzkoa) SPAIN, 01/07/2013

Indaux announces a new distribution agreement with the Nover Company in Australia, allowing Nover to commercialise furniture solutions for the Basque firm throughout the Australian territory.

Nover is probably the furniture component distributor with the most presence and offer in the Australian market. Since its beginnings in 1954 it has supplied the furniture and cabinetmaking manufacturing industries with a range of products including: products for panels, hinges, drawers, handles, sinks and taps, kitchen accessories, decoration products, components, business installation products, foldable furniture/sliders, illumination, adhesives, cladding and assembly aids, tools and consumables, cabinets, office furniture, door products, etc.

Nover has 12 branches of its own, 2 distribution centres in Sydney and Brisbane, in addition to an extensive distribution networks. The distribution agreement between Indaux and Nover is in force and the Indaux products will be available in Australia beginning in August.

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