
Students of the Oteiza Lizeoa institute, a secondary school from Zarautz, visit Indaux

Date: Getaria (SPAIN), 03/06/2014

The group of students learned about the different types of jobs and positions inside the company as part of their career guidance

A group of high school students and teachers from Oteiza Lizeoa, Zarautz, visited Indaux’s headquarters last month, located in San Prudencio, Getaria. The students had the opportunity to learn about the company, the product range, the organisation, its history, the philosophy of continuous improvement, and the job skills required of its workers, etc.

The managers of the industrial facilities at Getaria accompanied the students during their visit and explained the different production lines, as well as the best practices on prevention of occupational hazards.

Indaux began as Industrias Auxiliares in Getaria in 1962, working as a small machinery workshop specialising in the manufactures of furniture components. Nowadays, Indaux leads the furniture fitting sector in Spain and has become a benchmark brand internationally, working in more than 70 countries with over 2000 customers around the world.

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