
Indaux India strengthens its sales team

Indaux’s new affiliated company in India, which was officially presented in the Delhiwood fair last February, strengthens its sales team in order to gradually cover the wide geography of the Indian sub-continent. The administrative areas and services have also been put into work. In the photo, the team led by Rajeev Okhandiar, President of Indaux India, together with Oscar Camp, Internal Organizational Engineer, and Pablo Arratibel, Sales and Technical Support Engineer from the head office.

Indaux manufactures furniture fittings and has a multinational vocation with subsidiaries in selected regions, in order to be closer to its customers and partners needs and support them in developing their business.

Backed by an experience of over 50 years, Indaux continues adapting to market circumstances, without losing its essence as an European manufacturer and product developer.

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