
Indaux USA increases its business potential after the Atlanta IWF Fair­­

iwf3Indaux, an ironwork manufacturer present in 80 countries with over 2,000 clients, very positively scores its fourth participation in the International Woodworking Fair (IWF) in Atlanta, held between the 24 and the 27 of August. For the first time, the brand attended the event as Indaux US, after opening its American subsidiary in 2015 in High Point, managed by Dean Bosch.

The announcement that the American subsidiary was established, with its own warehouse, was received with great satisfaction by the market, and the stand received more visits, with higher business potential than previous years. “The collaboration at the stand, in working and the synergy with VAUTH SAGEL was so positive for both companies that we feel encouraged to repeat the experience and share a stand at the Kitchen & Bathroom, which will be held in Orlando in January,” states Mikel Arzallus, the brand’s commercial manager.

Dean Bosch INDAUX US Vice Presidente Werner Bosch INDAUX US Consultant Mikel Arzallus INDAUX US President Pablo Arratibel INDAUX US Subsidiary Manager
Dean Bosch INDAUX US Vice Presidente
Werner Bosch INDAUX US Consultant
Mikel Arzallus INDAUX US President
Pablo Arratibel INDAUX US Subsidiary Manager

Indaux US is focused on strengthening its network of representatives and has offered its entire selection to its distributors. Furthermore, regarding specific products, visitors were especially interested in the Ariane double-walled drawer and the “Atlas” system, the fixation device for low hanging kitchen and bathroom cabinets.

In 1962, Indaux came about as Industrias Auxiliares in Getaria (Spain), home to designer Cristóbal Balenciaga, where he began working in a small workshop, specialised on manufacturing furniture components. Today, Indaux is one of the leaders in Europe in the ironwork industry, and has become a flagship brand internationally, present in over 80 countries, with more than 100 registered patents, a catalogue with 10,000 references and over 2,000 clients all around the world.

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