
Indaux presents a coplanar system for supported doors at Sicam

scamSicam, which takes place from 16 to 19 October in Pordenone (Italy), is the most important annual event in the sector in Europe and celebrates its tenth anniversary this year. Indaux has participated in all of the previous fairs and this year, along with the main solutions in its portfolio, the company will present three new products:

The Junior Co is a revolution in the field of coplanar doors, since it will open up this system for use with supported doors. Until now, the coplanar solution was aimed at high-end cabinets with suspended doors, designed to measure. The proposal that Indaux will present exclusively in Sicam is a standard system which can be applied in cabinets of any size, so it will also be distributed in shops and department stores. In the aesthetics of coplanar cabinets pure lines prevail and all the doors are at the same level.

The 35mm spiral cam of steel, which has a geometry similar to that of the Zamak and includes a plastic casing that forms a cover trim. It has the same features as the Zamak and offers cost efficiency.

The Ariane S drawer, which is a thin-walled drawer, with an aesthetic very much in line with the current requirements of the market. It runs on the same platform as the Ariane slide, with the same advantages of smooth and silent sliding and cushioned closing.

 “We are very excited to present the Junior Coplanar at Sicam, which is the fair that brings together decision-makers and designers looking for the most innovative components to set trends in the furniture industry. The Coplanar will be a revolution that will make a product until now regarded as exclusive available to a wider public,” explains Mikel Arzallus, the brand’s commercial director.

The Indaux stand at SICAM is B-15, located in Hall-5.


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