
Indaux, model for capturing talent presented by Adegi


The managing director of Indaux, Javier García, participated in the main annual event of the Gipuzkoa Company Association. Adegi has 4500 associated companies that employ 80,000 people in the territory.
The day was divided up in two differentiated blocks. FirstAncla, the Ordinary General Assembly took place. In the second block, various conferences took place addressing the challenges of the production sector in our environment: the implementation of new business cultures, the need for greater collaboration between companies and the strategies for attracting talent.
Javier García explained the Indaux strategy for attracting young talent, as well as for developing senior talent. He also explained how career plans worked at Indaux. As regards dual training, which combines learning in the training centres and in companies, he proposed introducing a system for student assessment by the company. “People who have come to Indaux from vocational training centres have a proactive approach and have been an important factor in the company’s transformation processes. Human capital has taken us forward”, he concluded.
Regional newspapers Noticias de Gipuzkoa and Diario Vasco give more information about this event.


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