
Getaria, favorite in the ARC rowing league

The rowing league ARC (Asociación de Remo del Cantábrico) will begin next Sunday with the celebration of the XXXVII Noble Flag Villa de Portugalete. This year Getaria is among the favorite clubs, as the presenter of EITB, Ibon Gaztañazpi, indicated during the broadcast last weekend of the last day of the preseason in Lekeitio. Three members of Indaux are part of the trainee. They are Aitzol Martínez; Julen Manterola and Igor Gómez.

On the other hand, the different teams that this year make up the Getariako Arraun Elkartea (ARC1, trainerillas and batelas) were presented in the court wall of Getaria on Saturday June 9. You can see a selection of photos in Artzape magazine.

Gora Getaria, gora arraun!


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