
Supporting grassroots football

October kicks off beach football in Zarautz, the top beach championship out of those played all over the State, turning 73 this season. A tournament that shows football in its purest form: a great environment and a big dose of excitement. These Sunday-morning Zarautztarra beach matches have unveiled first-league players such as José Ángel Iribar, Estanislao Argote, and more recently, Dani Estrada.


Indaux is supporting this tournament once again this year, whose senior category boasts 13 men’s teams and 5 women’s teams. Indaux’s team has 18 players, some of which are staff members. This team has achieved excellent classifications over the course of its history. It won the Zarautz cup on three occasions, came in second three times, and played several league semi-final and cup games in Zarautz. In Zumaia, where the team participated for three seasons, they were league champions twice and came in second once.

lasarte1On the other hand, since its establishment in 2007, the company has supported Getariako Keta Futbol Taldea, which currently has two 11-football teams – senior and youth – and has another 40 boys and girls. In Zumaia, Ilasarte2ndaux provides support to 16 7-football players, who came in fourth in the finals last year. In Lasarte, Indaux has been sponsoring another local football team for seven years, with 14 players. Between the league, finals and the cup, this team will be playing nearly 30 games at the Michelin Football Field from the end of September until May.

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