
Biomedicine finds a new application for the Albatros



The Guipuzcoan company Gogoa Mobility Robots is one of the five companies in the world that manufactures exoskeletons, a type of articulated framework that is bonded to the body as a second skeleton. This improves the recovery of mobility in patients with damage to the limbs.

In only three years, this Basque SME, founded as a spin-off of the Spanish National Research Council, has become a world benchmark in the field of rehabilitation robotics. The exoskeletons are 100% designed, manufactured and assembled in Urretxu (50 km from Getaria) The company has a number of suppliers that provide parts practically “à la carte”, among which is Indaux’s Albatros.

Albatros is a system of lifters that provides ergonomics and movement comfort. It also incorporates the INDAmatic system for maximum smoothness of movement, which can be adjusted as regards the opening force and closure damping in order to adapt to the different weights.


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