
Indaux, example of Industry 4.0 in Diario Vasco

DvGermany has always been a benchmark for the basque industry. Its industrial strength and its technology are an example to follow. But more and more are the gipuzkoan companies that sell and produce in that country. Indaux has been present on the German market since the 1960s. That is why, along with Mondragón Assembly, Lazpiur and Ibermática, the newspaper Diario Vasco dedicated an article to companies that have made a dent in the competitive German market.

The Diario Vasco report highlights the challenge for Indaux to sell hardware and components and introduce gipuzkoan technology in a market as demanding as German. Underscore the awards received by Indaux at Interzum and points out that, although Germany is not one of our main markets – since it represents only 6% of sales – it is important in other respects: from Germany are the main competitors of Indaux, the leaders in billing, which in some cases multiply by 30 the sales of Indaux. It can read the full article in this link.

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