
From Indaux to Nasa

Being a student at Tecnun, Iker Liceaga spent two summers doing internships at Indaux and completed his final project in the Operations department. Specifically, he developed a computer solution to optimize the truck and container loading plan, which was integrated with the company’s ERP. In addition to the plan, he made the user’s guide and trained the employees so that they could manage this program.


The people who work with him notice quickly then that this student would go far. Only a year and a half after leaving Indaux Iker Liceaga is working on a NASA heliophysics project, where he will help launch a satellite for the analysis of solar radiation. Before joining Goddard Space Flight Center of NASA (Maryland), Iker Liceaga went through the prestigious Media Lab of the Technological Institute of Masachussets (MIT), where he was part of a research group that designed a hyperefficient capsule to improve sleep and relaxation.

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