
Collaboration with Mondragon Unibertsitatea in Degree of Mechatronics

Mechatronics tries to respond to the need for integration of several technological disciplines: mechanics, electronmuics and automatic control. The fourth industrial revolution promotes the integration of new information technologies in productive processes. To meet the demand of Basque industry 4.0 of professionals with this knowledge, Mondragon Unibersitatea has launched the Industrial Mechatronics degree, which will be launched next year and will take advantage of the training experience of leading companies in these new areas of knowledge.

The program will be offered under the dual training format and the participants will combine from the beginning training with part-time paid internships in the collaborating companies such as Indaux Group.

This agreement is the second that Indaux Group signs this year with Mondragon Universitatea, as it is also part of the Master of Industrial Automation. In addition to MU, Indaux collaborates regularly with Tecnum and Deusto Universities, as well as vocational training centers such as Oteitza Lizeo Politeknikoa de Zarautz.

We collaborate with Mondragon Unibersitatea in the Master of Industrial Automation

imagesMondragon Unibersitatea has launched a Master of Industrial Automation to cover the demand of specialized profiles from the Gipuzkoa´s companies. It is aimed to graduates or technical engineers of electronic profile, electricity, renewable energy, IT, telecommunications …

The program will be offered under the dual training format and the participants will combine training from the beginning with part-time paid internships in the collaborating companies. In Indaux Group, four students will take work experience. Two of them will be at Indaux and the other two in the Group’s food division. Together with Indaux, ULM, Fagor Arrasate, Fagor Automation, Danobat Group and Mondragon Assembly will participate in the project. During the last quarter of the master, students will develop their Master’s degree project in the same company with full-time dedication.

The collaboration of the company and the academic world is common. Javier García, deputy general director of Indaux, teaches a class in Tecnum’s design degree and another one in Deusto’s Industrial Organization Degree. There is also a close link with professional training centers and this year the company has collaborated with Oteitza Lizeo Politeknikoa of Zarautz in the implementation of dual FP, which combines training with work in a company.

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