
We are continuing to work hard to find new ways forward

AdolfoIndaux is facing the new year with hope, resolve and enthusiasm. And although we cannot travel as we would like, we are staying in close virtual contact with our customers and distributors. We have used these months to reinforce the flexibility and rapid response capacity that characterise our brand when providing solutions adapted to the furniture industry.

In summer, production at the factory continued as usual, and business came mainly from the large European stores. Because of the lockdown, the DIY sector received an enormous boost, a trend that was consolidated in subsequent months. While spending many hours at home, many families have been considering how to improve their home environment. At Indaux, we design technological solutions to enhance people’s well-being in the home. Especially during this period, we have supplied anti-tilt hangers for Scarpi 4 and Traser 6 suspended furniture, which have the highest safety standards. And the Arianne, Atraction and Atractive drawers which are characterised by their load capacity, their intelligent distribution, smoothness of movement and refined aesthetics.

We have also been working to improve our customer service. During this season with no commercial visits, there has been greater interaction between the internal departments which has made it possible to introduce some logistical and production improvements. For example, the complete pallets for different parts have been modelled, which has a direct impact on the delivery time to customers that make these types of orders.

Indaux has been manufacturing and selling hardware for 60 years. We have travelled a long road over these six decades, but we continue to be faithful to a tradition. We still work hard to find new ways in our determination to continue manufacturing better products.

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