
Indaux passes the SMETA Ethics Trade audit


Indaux has undergone a Corporate Social Responsibility audit that involves a series of best practices in different areas such as labour rights, health and safety, environment and business ethics. This is the SMETA audit, a standard created by a group of large companies based on the Sedex collaborative platform, with the aim of joining forces to verify that their supply chains comply with their ethical standards.

More than 50,000 companies in 150 countries currently use the Sedex platform. The audit successfully passed by Indaux is available to all Sedex affiliates, which represents the highest degree of transparency offered by the platform. And it means a further step forward by the company in its effort to achieve the maximum quality not only of its products, but also of its processes and service.

Indaux has also just signed a green energy contract, through which it commits to buying energy from renewable sources.

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