
Indaux at Sicam: a great reception for the Coplanar wardrobe for supported doors

Sicam2The tenth edition of SICAM Pordenone was not only a significant anniversary for this commercial event but also confirmed that the furniture and wood sector has entered a new stage of development. This new phase was apparent in the conversations we held with the customers that visited the Indaux stand. “The visitors come to us with projects but the topics we discuss are no longer focused so much on practical negotiations as on talking about future proposals. The coplanar wardrobe had a very good reception. We presented it as a prototype to test the market opinion since it is the first for supported doors. And after the excellent response it received, we have decided that this product will be one of our star launches for the year 2019,” explains Mikel Arzallus, Marketing Director at Indaux.

This year Sicam has been attended by 612 exhibitors from 33 countries. The fair has been characterised by the large influx of visitors from the first day, as well as the diversification of countries, where the importance of visitors from European countries continues to increase.

Indaux, which has been present in each of the 10 years that the fair has taken place, used the opportunity to showcase its portfolio, within which three products stood out:

  • The folding door, which has become fashionable again in designers’ proposals and generated a great demand for information.
  • The 35mm steel spiral cam connecting fitting, which maintains the same features in terms of the handling of tolerances and resistance to vibrations as its equivalent in Zamak, but makes it possible to offer it at a more competitive price, and …
  • The double thin-walled steel drawer, which is mounted on a fully removable slide.

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