
Soluciones Modernas takes Indaux products to the remotest areas of Costa Rica.

indauxcostaricaLuis Barquero, manager and owner of Soluciones Modernas, and Indaux distributor in Costa Rica, recently participated in two conferences organised by the National Institute of Apprenticeship (INA). One of them was held at the Perez Zeledon centre, in the south of the country, and the other at the San Carlos centre, in the northern zone.

Both meetings were attended by professionals in the sector, including carpenters, designers and teachers at the INA. Some of the participants belonged to workshops located in areas with limited access to raw materials and new technologies.

The participants had the opportunity to discover a wide selection of products from the Indaux catalogue and, according to Luis Barquero, greatly appreciated their durability and excellent value for money.


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