
Indaux, in the XXIV Edition of the Tecnun Employment Forum

20170223_120746One more year, Indaux attended his appointment with the employment fair of Tecnun, the School of Engineers of the University of Navarra in San Sebastián, which this year celebrates its XXIV edition. This forum is a meeting place between leading companies looking for young talent and engineering students interested in doing internships, end-of-career projects or getting a job. More than 50 companies and 500 students have taken part this year in the meeting, where Indaux has assumed a high profile as a gold sponsor.

Unai Galdona, Ainhoa Manterola and Generosa Cerviño, from the Human Resources team of Indaux, attended personally to the interested parties, both students and graduates and were able to perceive firsthand the concerns of the candidates and to evaluate possible ways of collaboration.

As part of this participation, the second week of February, three people from the Indaux Group, former students of Tecnun, made a presentation of the Group’s businesses and values to about thirty students of the School. Mikel Sarasola, Industrial Director of Artadi, explained how the theory of continuous improvement is applied to an industrial plant such as the bakery Okin. María Abad, Procurement and Logistics Director of Artadi and Urkabe Benetan explained the dynamism of operations in the food business. And Pablo Arratibel, member of the commercial team of Indaux, detailed the route of his professional career plan. All three emphasized the values of the Group, which are based on the importance of people, teamwork and respect: what is said to be done, is fulfilled.20170223_105811

The collaboration between Indaux and Tecnun is permanent. This year the company has sponsored the “Ingenio y Diseño” competition in the university mode. It is promoted from February 28 and the winners will be announcend in the week of April 11 to 19. Indaux will give a prize of 500 € to the winners. Finally, Indaux has participated in the audit of ANECA in Tecnun for the certification of the Master’s Degree in Production Management.

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