
New planning of production and purchases

stockIndaux introduced a new production and inventory planning system based on daily and real demand (DDMRP) at the beginning of the year, which allowed the company to increase the value of daily invoicing, optimize the level of customer service and Reduce the time spent making purchase decisions.


The DDMRP allows companies to integrate within the same tool the organization of production, the purchase of raw materials and the management of inventories, aligning production with real market demand and facilitates decision making, both at the level of Planning and implementation. The implementation started by the purchasing department, after the good results obtained, has been extended to the production plants. The Demand Based Management Resource Planning (DDMRP) tool has been imported from the United States and is already operational in other leading companies such as Nestlé or Michelin.


The initiative, coupled with the TPM continuous maintenance program, training for predictive maintenance, installation of Prisma software for optimization of machine maintenance and improvement of the organizational quality produced after the ERP update, are part of Indaux’s strategy to adapt its production model to the demands of a highly competitive sector and to the next industrial revolution, called Industry 4.0.


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