
Seminar for attracting female talent to the workshops

FormacProfThe legislative measures aimed at reducing the gender gap will be especially difficult to meet in the industrial sector. And this is because very few women take vocational training studies of a technical nature. This was recognised in front of 700 people by Jorge Arévalo,  Vice councillor for Vocational training of the Basque government, at the Adegi Company Day.


Aware of this challenge, Oteitza Politeknikoa organised, for the second consecutive year, a seminar in Zarautz with companies from the region to encourage women to study an industrial VT course.


On behalf of the Indaux Group, Generosa Cerviño, Personnel Manager and Amparo Borrachero, an OKIN employee, took part.


Generosa Cerviño remembered how, in the 60s, nearly 30 women worked in the Indaux workshops. “Women need to get their qualifications, because there are opportunities. It is especially difficult for us to find women for coordination and team management positions” she said. Borrachero recounted her experience of how, at 45, she switched from the commercial to the industrial sector, thanks to training from Lanbide, the basque service for employment.

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