
Luis Peña retires after 40 years at Indaux

Getaria (Guipúzcoa) SPAIN, 18/10/2010

Luis Peña, the Technical Office manager, retires after 40 years dedicated to the design and development of Made in Indaux products. His co-workers at Indaux will see him off at a dinner on the 17th December to pay tribute to his personal and professional work over the years.

From the 1st January 2011 he will be substituted by Xabier Aginagalde, aged 41, who has 17 years of experience at the company as a product engineer, and who has taken part in key projects as BAAN implementation at the Technical Office or the first 5’s group.

Luis Peña, born in Renteria and living in Zarautz, initiated his professional career at the age of 14 at the Errenteria plant of the Niessen Company where he combined work and studies. He began at Indaux in 1971 at the age of 25 and started up the Technical Office under the direction of Miguel Ángel Rioja. He has lived through the evolution of the company, from the first workshop located beside the current Elkano restaurant, after that, the old factory located at Calle Herrerieta 16, to the 4 current production plants and the new location for the central headquarters in the San Prudencio neighbourhood, always located in Getaria.

Luis Peña has witnessed the technological transformation of the furniture components world, “specifically the fittings have evolved tremendously, each time with greater quality and automation. In this aspect, Indaux has been a pioneer in the fittings world in Spain; we have paid attention to the market demands and the new trends which have come from abroad”. This is clearly reflected in the Indaux range of products, which has gone from a catalogue of barely 14 pages in 1971 to a general catalogue of over 800 pages and 9 product families which includes around 5,000 references. “The first fittings manufactured were mail boxes locks and hidden hinges; little by little we expanded the offer. A key moment was the decision to start manufacturing sliders, and later drawers, with the “Indaux” model, I believe that was one of the most decisive changes for Indaux”.

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