
Xabier Aginagalde, new Technical Office Manager

Getaria (Guipúzcoa) SPAIN, 18/01/2011

Indaux begins a new phase with the appointment of Xabier Aginagalde as the new Technical Office Manager. Xabier, 41, has accumulated 17 years of experience as the company’s engineer and during this time he has accumulated very ample knowledge and experience. Among other tasks, he was responsible for the development of double walled drawers and the “Impulse” push-latch.

Xabier Aginagalde is a graduate of Superior Engineering from the San Sebastián Faculty of Engineering (Tecnun), from the University of Navarra. Among his new duties, he will be responsible for promoting team work and the human factor in the Technical Office; he will also have the mission of enhancing collaboration with the sales department in the development process of new products.

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