
Indaux officially presents its new image at Interzum 2011

Fecha: Getaria (Gipuzkoa) SPAIN, 15/06/2011

Indaux participated in the 2011 edition of the Interzum fair in Cologne, again the key biannual meeting of the auxiliary furniture industry. Indaux attended this year’s Interzum fair to present its renewed corporate image. Indaux has redesigned its visual identity with the aim of supporting its effort in innovation, stressing its historical leadership and empower its current position as a leader in the fittings and furniture components sector.

Indaux renews its image

Indaux has created a new, modern image which maintains INDAUX’s essence and fundamental values and is a prelude on the company’s 50th anniversary in 2012. The new INDAUX logo simplifies the symbol of the lock, used since the company’s beginnings, more stylized, using a modern typography, in accordance with the brand’s commitment to technology and innovation.

Yellow is maintained as the corporate colour, having become a hallmark and one of the brand’s main assets. Indaux Communication Department is now in the midst of implementing its new visual identity which implies renewing all its mediums of identity.

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