
Iñaki González de Txabarri and Oscar Izquierdo, new representatives of Indaux in Spain

Fecha: Getaria (Gipuzkoa) SPAIN, 23/06/2011

To substitute recently retired José Manuel Flórez, Iñaki González de Txabarri and Oscar Izquierdo have joined Indaux as new delegates for La Rioja, Navarre and the Basque Country. Between the both of them they have 50 years experience in the fittings sector, 12 of them in collaboration to better serve furniture companies.

Iñaki González de Txabarri, 48, will be in charge of the Gipuzkoa, Navarre and Southern La Rioja; while Oscar Izquierdo, of the same age, will service Alava, Bizkaia, and Northern La Rioja, including Logroño.

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