
Indaux launches a traceability system for Indamatic dampers

Date: Getaria (Gipuzkoa) SPAIN, 01/08/2011

In order to ensure quality control and monitoring of our own soft-closing technology, Indaux has implemented an innovative programme to mark the damper, which is at the heart of the Indamatic soft-closing system. This traceability procedure has been in place since July this year, and will enable us, by means of a code printed on the product itself, to identify the damper version, its manufacture date, the associated manufacture order and even the materials used to make it.

This entails a whole range of benefits and improvements, such as an individualised control by batch, improved stock management, control of the product’s evolution, as well as enabling us to very quickly detect, contain and analyse any incident. We intend to extend this traceability system to all other Indaux products.

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