
Final judgement in favour of Indaux for fraudulent copies of the TRASER-6

Date: Getaria (Gipuzkoa) SPAIN, 04/08/2011

The judgement passed on 17-11-2010 against José Mª Seco Jareño (Plastimodul, Industrias del Herraje 3000 S.L.) for breach of the Indaux patent no.9702076, is now final, after the deadline for filing a new appeal expired. This final judgement judicially ratifies that the eccentric cam fixture is exclusive to Indaux and cannot be purchased in Spain from any other manufacturer or importer.

This is the third judgement in favour of Indaux since the process began in 2003, when hangers manufactured by said companies were detected, copying the TRASER-6 eccentric cam fixture model’s functions which are patent protected.

This November 2010 judgement that is now final, among other things, sentences José Mª Seco Jareño and his companies to immediately cease manufacturing and selling the hangers which infringe the patent, to the seizure of the hangers manufactured and to compensation for the damages caused to Indaux for the violation of industrial property rights.

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