
Indaux with Beneteau Habitat at the 2011 Atlantica Salon

Date: Getaria (Gipuzkoa) SPAIN, 28/11/2011

The Atlantica leisure equipment fair was held the past 5, 6 and 7 of October, at the La Rochelle fair grounds. Once more, the INDAUX products were present at the hands of the IRM and O’HARA companies, affiliated with the Habitat division of the Beneteau Group, a known manufacturer of high end yachts and sailboats.

In particular, examples were available of the application of the Supraplex drawer with INDAmatic, the DELTA lift and the independent INDAmatic system for drawers, on the interior equipment of mobile-homes of these recognised French firms.

The Atlantica salon is the most important fair in France for camping equipment, caravan manufacturers, campers and mobile-homes. 312 exhibitors have participated in this 14th edition of the fair and over 5,000 visitors attended.

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