
Competency development, a model for growing

The road towards industry 4.0 continues with greater digitalisation, more automation and a change in the structures of organisations. The pandemic has accentuated these trends, as well as the demand for competitiveness and flexibility to know how to adapt to the changes. Competency-based management can be considered the response from the human resources area,  to the new challenges that the working world of the 21st century poses.

Within this framework, Indaux has implemented a people management model based on competences, orientated towards promoting talent and the development of professional careers, at the same time as facilitating the alignment of behaviour and the business culture to efficiency, results and competitiveness. The model intends to objectively identify the factors that each position in the company contributes to the results; to establish career plans and to adapt the remuneration policy according to these competences.

The four competences that will be worked on at Indaux to contribute to reaching the strategic goals will be rigour, commitment, improvement and collaboration. “Team collaboration is key because it helps people grow and contribute to reaching the company’s objectives”, said Generosa Cerviño, Personnel Director, who has led this project with the intellectual support of the People Matters consultancy and financial support of the Department of Economic Promotion, Tourism, and Rural Environment of the Gipuzkoa Regional Government.



Indaux corporate competences: rigour, commitment, improvement and collaboration.

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