
A year without trade fairs, a year of internal focussing and learning

ComercialTeamAfter long deliberation it was agreed, INDAUX would not take part at the Interzum Cologne 2021 for the first time in more than 30 years. The fair organization and in coordination with some exhibitors decided, in her turn, to cancel this year’s event. This was not an easy decision to make, as Interzum has always been one of the top events for Indaux. A difficult decision in a difficult year, an uncertain year, in which under varying circumstances decisions had to be taken every week.

At the same time, it has been a year during which the need to continuously adapt has brought important lessons. A year which the company has utilized to review and improve its dynamics. A year in which, in spite of limited travel, Indaux has sought to extend contact with all its partners, distributors, sales agents and customers, in each and every one of the areas necessary for the effective development of business. “We have entered a different dynamic, with very flexible agendas, in which we have all found more time and greater availability. This has allowed us to examine the various aspects in greater depth. We have learned to strengthen collaboration in this different reality, and thus we are able to give a rapid response adapted to the needs that have arisen or that we have mutually identified“, explained Mikel Arzallus, Indaux’s Sales and Marketing Director.

It is also been a year in which the company has continued working on its responsibility to the environment and has adapted itself to the reality of 2020. “We have learnt to manage in a different way as a result of questioning ourselves how our management ways contribute to environmental and personal sustainability. The number of people who no longer get on an aircraft has brought two main benefits: at an environmental level, reducing the carbon footprint and, at a human level, fewer hours away from home, in addition to the reduction of non-productive hours in taxis, hotels, etc., which has led to a gain in personal and productive time. This has meant working in another way with more motivated, happier people, and who are more involved in their projects”, continued Arzallus.

At INDAUX, this reinvention has taken place while the company has continued to develop new products and implement production improvements in the factories. Among them, it has been working on a thin-walled drawer that will be mounted on the Komplet runner. Furthermore, the range of Attractive drawers has been launched on the market, and we are working on the evolution of the range of hangers, and investing in production capacity in Europe. “We have encountered a new world in which we are facing a blank page and we have to invent ourselves everyday. We are grateful for the flexibility shown by all our stakeholders: employees, customers, suppliers, partners and shareholders for the support that they have given us in order to be able to write this page every day, to continue working and be resilient against adversity. We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone the best and a fast recovery from the situation that we are experiencing with COVID19”, concluded Mikel Arzallus.

The company hopes to return to providing a physical meeting space with all its customers and partners at upcoming events, as soon as the health guarantees allow us to do so.



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