
Miren Garay, new manager for Indaux in France after Bruno Cousseau’s retirement

Bruno y Ana Cousseau

After 16 years as an Indaux agent in France, Bruno Cousseau is retiring. Here at the company, we would like to thank him for all of these years of service and collaboration, sending our best wishes to enjoy this new stage in life along with his wife Anita Cousseau. Anita was also a part of Indaux, since she was in charge of administrating offers and commercial service. Thanks to this team’s good work, Indaux was able to solidify itself as a reference provider on the French market.



From here on out, Miren Garay will be in charge of the four-person commercial team, which will be working exclusively for the French market. With a French mother, bilingual Miren has worked and studied in France, with 9 years at Indaux, holding positions as Product Manager and Area Manager.

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