
First participation in the Eurobois fair


Indaux was present for the first time at Eurobois, the most important trade fair in the sector in France, which this year was held in Lyon between 6 and 9 February. “The aim of Indaux was to detect new opportunities in a market where the contract sector presents a real dynamism in which many medium-sized companies converge. Our participation has allowed us to obtain close to a hundred new contacts, strengthen the visibility of the brand and generate interest in our solutions, “says Miren Garay, Sales Manager France.

The stand has had a wide range of product in slides, drawers, hinges … although this time the special anti-tilt coat hanger Scarpi 4 Anti-Tilt has been of special interest, whose safety is activated automatically in the assembly process. And it is that this hardware was part of the “journey of news” of Eurobois and had a prominent place among the novelties of the fair. In addition, Indaux was selected as the company interviewed for the fair balance video.


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